Order as many floor samples as you like and we'll ship all samples to you for free! You may then return them, within six months, and receive a refund for all returned samples. Please note: We do not reimburse for return shipping costs.
SafeCoat Caulking Compound is a non-toxic, water-based, elastic, emulsion-type, white, latex-free caulking compound for interior or exterior applications. It's designed to replace solvent-based caulk for general maintenance work in kitchens and bathrooms as well as outdoors around windows, doors and siding. It contains no biocides, fungicides or other anti-microbials. SafeCoat Caulking Compound won't shrink, crack or sag once applied. It installs as white, but may slightly discolor (2-3%) over time unless painted.
NOTE: We recommend using this product within 6 months of the date of purchase.
NOTE: This caulk will not bond to HDPE plastics.
NOTE: natural color is white unless painted.
It has almost no odor (and none after cure), so is safe for use in enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces. It exceeds all VOC and environmental regulations including California’s.
This is an odorless replacement for typical toxic caulk; it adheres well and won't shrink or crack for indoor or outdoor use. While it may not last as long as a silicone type caulk, it works very well and is completely safe.
Features & benefits
Easy-to-use — cleans up with rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) do not use mineral spirits
Durable — won't shrink, crack or sag
Fast-drying — air or moisture-cured down to 30 °F, skins over in one hours, cures after 24 hours
Paintable — after 24 hours, the white color can be easily transformed/painted to match decor
Low-odor — pleasant to use; no odor once cured
Non-toxic — no formaldehyde, ammonia, latex, ethylene glycol, mildewcides, fungicides or exempt solvents typically found in caulk
State Nexus Fee may apply A state nexus fee will be applied to this item if drop shipped to the following states: . We're sorry for the inconvenience. Click here to read more about the state nexus fee.
Indoor Environmental Quality/4.1 Low-Emitting Materials/Adhesives and Sealants: 1 point
LEED® Regional Materials Zip Code
Meets or exceeds California Air Resources Board (CARB) requirements, Meets or exceeds California South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) requirements, Meets or exceeds Californial Proposition 65 requirements, Meets or exceeds USDA requirements for non-food contact, NAHB, Red List Free, SCS Gold
Minimum Order
Old Name
Material Origin
United States
Country of Manufacture
United States
Recycled Content
Shelf Life
Use With These Products
Number of Colors
Carpet Pattern
Coordinating Border
Critical Radiant Flux
Extractable Matter
Face or Pile Weight
General Flammability
Surface Flammability
GSA Classification
Machine Guage
Moth Resistance
Pattern Repeat
Pile Height (High)
Pile Height (Low)
Primary Backing
Resistance to Insect Pests
Roll Length
Secondary Backing
Smoke Density
Stitches Per Inch
Surface Texture, Construction, Style
Total Height
Total Weight
Traffic Rating
Tufts per Sq. In.
Tufts / Sq In
Yarn Construction
Bundles per Pallet
Bundles per Square 6" Exposure
Bundles per Square 7" Exposure
Bundles per Square 7-1/2" Exposure
Bundles per Square 8" Exposure
Pounds per Bundle
Pounds per Pallet
Pounds per Roll
Pounds per Square
Pounds per Square 6" Exposure
Pounds per Square 7" Exposure
Pounds per Square 7-1/2" Exposure
Pounds per Square 8" Exposure
Lin Feet per Bundle
Lin Feet
Lin Feet per Pallet
Lin Feet
Rolls per Pallet
Squares per Roll
Tiles per bundle
Tiles per Lin Foot
Finish Type
download Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
VOC Content
14.5 Grams/Liter
Application Method
caulk gun, knife, spatula
Application Temperature Range
Warmer than 55°F
Application Instructions
see pdf
Surface or Product Preparation
Surface should be clean, dry and free of oil and wax
Appearance When Dry
rubbery and white
Cleans Up With
Store in cool dry place out of sunlight
Recycling or Disposal
Dispose of excess product in accordance with all local state and federal regulations, Do not throw out container unless completely empty. Pour contents onto dry cardboard and let thoroughly dry outdoors. May also be absorbed with cat litter sand or other dry materials